5 paragraphs on the fax

1. The United States GDP per capita is $59,800. The GDP per capita is the Gross Domestic Product. This keeps rising as the population is growing. This means the health programs can start to improve as the population grows. 
2. The GDP per capita in Afghanistan is $2,000. That is not good and means that their economy is falling. With that low of a GDP their medical and health services probably are not very good and will not be able to get help. Also, Their population is rising because of the people helping them fight the wars. 
3. China's GDP per capita is $16,700. Their GDP is ok for their country. They have a very stable economy but their population is falling due to the amount of people that are older and not fertile to give birth anymore. But they have a lot of factories to make things and import them around the world. 
4. Gibraltar's GDP is $61,700. This is a really good GDP. They have a lot of medical and health services around the country to keep their people healthy and well. They also, have a string economy and almost everyone in their country is working or is employed and getting paid which really helps. 
5. The United Kingdom's GDP per capita is $44, 300. This is a good GDP. Their economy will most likely keep rising. They have a good military and good health and medical services. They also, have a lot of people employed so that keeps their people paid and living in good homes. 


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