
Showing posts from November, 2019

quiz on the 5 religions

Today in class we took a quiz on the five religions we learned about the last two days in class. The quiz in my opinion was relatively easy but there were a few questions I was stumped on. But I feel like I studied as hard as I could and I used the right materials to do well. I studied my notes that we took in class and I studied the power point he made in class. But in the future for the test we take in the class I will look at his blogs and his bored to make sure I know well in advance about a quiz or test we may have so I can do the best possible on it.

Religion Part 2

Today in class we learned about the three other religions that we needed to learn for the quiz that we have tomorrow. But with what we learned I feel like I retained everything and I feel like I am somewhat ready for the quiz. For the quiz tomorrow I studied the questions that we asked today at the end of class and went over every religion so I know what is needed to pass the test. Also, I have had good notes in class and good blogs to use as another thing to study. So with that said i feel like I will do well on this quiz and get a passing grade.

Religions Part 1

Today in class we talked about different types of religions and where that religion is mainly worshiped. One of the things we talked about is that we will have a quiz on the stuff we learned today and what we learn tomorrow on Friday. Today we only got through two religions and that was Christianity and Islam. We learned that Christianity is the biggest religion that is worshiped by everyone in the world with 2.2 billion followers. Also, we learned that Islam is the second biggest religion worshiped by everyone in the world with 1.1 billion followers. So with us learning this today I will make sure to study it so when we learn new stuff tomorrow I won't have to spend as much time looking at it again because I will already know it.

Test #4

Today in class we took a test on population terms and population pyramids. I feel like I did good on the test. I feel like I did good because I studied what I had on my blogs. Another thing I did to study was I went over all of the terms that are used when you are calculating the populations for a country. Also, I watched the ted-ed videos on youtube to get a better understanding on what the test was on and to really understand the population pyramids. Finally, I looked over all of the blogs Mr. Schick posted to do well. That is why I feel like I did well on the test we took today.

Ted ed

Today in class we watched a Ted Ed to review for what we need to know on population pyramids for Mondays test. I think I understand everything that will be on the test but I will make sure to go over everything that we learned. One thing I will make sure to study is the Population Pyramid because that will be a big part of the test and in order to do well I will have to know a lot about it. Another thing I need to study is some of the terms for the certain sections on the Population Pyramid. Those are important because it is split into three different parts with the different ages. So in order to do well on the test I will have to study everything.

review class

Today in class we were told we have a test on Monday. So today we reviewed some things that will be on the test. So this means I am going to have to study for it and look over everything. So I am going to look over some of the rates and words that have things to do with the populations. Another thing is the migration rate. That is the rate of how many people migrate from the country and get out of the country because it is not a good place for them and the jobs are not good. Something else is the population of certain countries and if they will rise or fall because of their GDP per capita. So in order for me to do well on the test I will need to look over everything so I can get the best grade possible.

free class

So yesterday in class the class presented their projects but I did not go because I was not here for it. But I was watching them and most of the groups in my opinion did really well. But other the that everyone did somewhat well. I learned a lot about countries that are stable and countries that are not very good at all and do not have much of anything. But the countries that are stable are having falling populations. That is because they a population of people that are a lot older and that is making them fall because they do not have younger people that are able to have birth to kids.


Today in class we had a project to present on different countries and certain information about their country. I learned that there is a lot of countries that are very poor and have to work very hard for everything they have. Yet there is also countries that are very stable and have a lot of wealth. But what I found today was that a lot of the poor countries are the countries that are rising in population. Which is not good because they do not have the things they need to be healthy and grow. So that their population will fall because they will most likely die because they do not have the required things.

Review before test

Today in class we went over stuff we would need to know for tomorrows test. For the test we will need to know stuff about population and migration. So we started class going over the different rates that are on the world fact book. Then after that he asked 37 questions that were on his semester exam that would help us review for the test. Overall most of the questions I feel like I would have got right. But tonight I will make sure to study the different rates that were on the world fact book. Another thing I will make sure to study is the population questions that will be on the test that we will need to know. Finally, I will make sure to study the migration questions that will be on the test. So with all that said I will make sure to study everything well so I can get the best grade possible.

reflection on yesterdays assignment

Today in class we kind of had a free period in class to do work that we needed to do and reflect on what we did yesterday. So yesterday we had an assignment to write 5 paragraphs on the economy of countries and determine if we would think that country would rise or fall in the years to come. So one of the things I looked at to determine that was the countries GDP per capita. If that was a high number then their economy would probably rise in the coming years if it is no already strong now. If the GDP per capita was low then the economy would most likely fall if it is not already falling. The economy would fall because they would not have the money for health services and military things that would need to keep their country a running economy.

5 paragraphs on the fax

1. The United States GDP per capita is $59,800. The GDP per capita is the Gross Domestic Product. This keeps rising as the population is growing. This means the health programs can start to improve as the population grows.  2. The GDP per capita in Afghanistan is $2,000. That is not good and means that their economy is falling. With that low of a GDP their medical and health services probably are not very good and will not be able to get help. Also, Their population is rising because of the people helping them fight the wars.  3. China's GDP per capita is $16,700. Their GDP is ok for their country. They have a very stable economy but their population is falling due to the amount of people that are older and not fertile to give birth anymore. But they have a lot of factories to make things and import them around the world.  4. Gibraltar's GDP is $61,700. This is a really good GDP. They have a lot of medical and health services around the country to keep their people h...


Today in class we watched a video of how the way countries economies have risen in the past 200 years. So in 1810 all the economies were low and poor. But as time has gone by and wars have ended more countries have gotten more money and gained more power. Also, some of the military systems have gotten better because of more money and new weapons to fight other countries. Finally, now in 2019 most of the countries are richer and have a lot more people that have jobs and make more money.

Class review

Today in class we talked about the way other populations in certain areas are growing and how others are falling due to the way people are having kids. Like for example China and Japan are falling because of the amount of the people that are older and that not many people are young and fertile to give birth. But in the United States and some African countries the population is rising quickly because of how many people are young and fertile to give birth to kids. That is what we learned in class.