
  • farmers found it hard with the labor 
  • many farmers were former soliders 
  • as the republic became more unstable general began seizing greater power 
  • caesar governed as an absolute ruler 
  • he granted roman citizenship to many people in provinces 
  • after caesars death civil war broke out again 
  • rome was at the peak of its power in the begginning of August's rule 
  • after he dies the government that he established maintained stability 
  • Rome emphasized the values of discipline, strength, and loyalty 
  • The roman's were practical people 
  • Most people lived on the countryside
  • They believed in powerful forces and spirits 
  • Wealth and land was a big difference in how people live 
  • Barely anyone had stuff they needed to live 
  • government provided free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contests 


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