
Showing posts from October, 2019

Review on the third test

Today in class we got back and went over the test that we took last week. On the test I did ok on it but I could have done better. I feel like maybe I could have taken more time to study and go over the notes that I took in class so I could have gotten a better grade. Also, today in class we look at multiple different graphs of data on how much a populating in a certain are will rise or fall due to the average of babies a female is having. But in conclusion I can get a better grade on the next test if I study the material a little harder and take more time to look at it and really understand what is means.

Test number 3

Today in class we took our third test of the school year. I felt like i did good on it because I took time to study for it and look over things that I had trouble with and did not understand. One of things I used to study was the world fact book. I went over every section it had to see where certain things were on it so I did not waste anytime looking for anything. Another thing I used to study was the powerpoint that we went over in class so I knew everything I would need to know that was on the test from the powerpoint. Finally, I used my blogs to help me study. I was able to use them because I take time to write down good things in my blogs and use it as a good note taker so when it comes time to take a test I am ready for it. So I feel like I did well on the test because I took time to study and used all the resources I had to do well on it.

Test number 2

Today in class we took our second test of the school year in the class. The test that we took was on Mercator maps, Peter maps, longitude lines, latitude lines, time zones, relative location, and absolute location. I thought the test was pretty easy because I studied for it and really understood the concept that we were learning. Also, I thought it was pretty easy because I do my blogs at night and in class when we can. So as we were getting ready for the test he said it was going to be an open blog test so we could use our blogs while doing the test. So with me studying and doing my blogs at night and in class i thought it was really easy because i prepared myself to succeed.

Fridays class

Today in class we went over push and pull forces. A push force is like a civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment or underemployment, and religious or ethnic persecution. So that means that when there is a physical problems that could affect your life style that is a push object. And a pull force is a better economic opportunity, better health services, religious freedom, and political freedom. So a pull force is something that can change how you

Study for test number 3

Today in class we went over and reviewed all the stuff that we went over in class so we can get study for the test and be ready for it. One of the things I am going to need to look at is the world fact book. I need to look at that because we only have 20 minutes to do 12 questions so I can not waste time looking for things. Another thing I need to study is the power point we did so I know everything snd memorize everything I need to know for the test so I can get the best grade possible for myself. Also, I can go back and look at my blogs that i made and look at some of the stuff there just in case I were to miss something that I needed to study.

class time review

Today in class we talked about the work we did with the world fact book and the answers to the questions that we did. But as we were doing that we learned how to work the world fact book and where to find certain things in it. But we have a test coming up so all the things that we do and did in class I will need to study before the test so I am ready for it. I can also use the world fact book to see where certain things are so when we have 20 minutes to do the world fact book section I do not waste anytime looking for things.

CIA world fact book exercise

 The population in Chins is 1,384,688,986n and the population in India is  1,296,834,042(India)   The total fertility rate in Japan is 1.42  There is 5.8 deaths/1,000 population.   There is not a verifiable rate because the government prohibits people from asking other people what their religion is.  82.7% of Mexicans claim they are Roman Catholic.   The GDP per capita in the United States is $59,800.   The GDP per capita in Nigeria is $5,900.   The GDP per capita in Luxembourg is $105,100.   The amount of internet users in the United States is 246,809,221.  The amount of airports in the United States is 92 and Russia is 32.   The amount of people with electricity is 1.201 billion.   The infant mortality rate in Canada is 4.5, Cuba is 4.4, and the United States is 5.7.   For men it is 52% and for women it is 24.2%.   The top three countries are Mona...

Life expectancy

Today in class we learned about life expectancy all around the world. We talked about crude birth rate. Crude birth rate is the number of births per 1000 of the population. And the crude death rate is the number of the deaths per 1000 of the population. So that means that when they calculate the population they look at the crude birth rate per year and the crude death rate per year. But in certain countries it is getting to the point when they are having to many people so they are trying to decrease the amount of people by setting laws about how many kids they can have.

reviewing our second test

Today in class we got our test back and we went over it with everyone in class. But before that I did well on the test because I took time at home to study for the test and look over everything at home before we took the test. So on the test i got a 80% which i feel like it is an ok grade. I got some questions wrong because i didn't read the question one of the questions correctly. Another thing that I did was that i knew the answer but i bubbled in the wrong one. Next time while i take a test i will make sure to read the questions better and check the bubble i am bubbling in. But i will make sure when it comes time to take the exam i will study the test and the power points that we did to make sure i understand the information and get the best grade i can.


Today in class we first looked at a powerpoint that had information about population by ourselves while the people that missed the test Friday took the test. So when everyone was done with the test we came together as a class and we went over some of the key stuff about population and how some countries have gotten over crowed and had to make laws about how many kids you can have. Like in China you can only have one kid and then when you have a second one you have to pay the government money. They made that a law due to the country getting over crowed and they had to fix the population. But in the whole world combined we have just over 7.6 billion people in the world.

todays class pop quiz

Today in class we did a pop quiz to help us with our test coming up next week. So as we were going over them today in class after we did them. I got a 6/10. On some of the questions i got wrong i didn't read the questions completely and i got them wrong. So one thing i can work on in the future is making sure that is i read the question completely through and understand what its asking so i can write the right answer down. So when i study this week i will make sure to go over the things that i got wrong so when its time for the test i will get them right.

Test questions

Multiple Choice Questions  1. What way does lines of longitude run.  a north and south  b west and east - right answer 2. What is the space called that is 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude  a prime meridian  b the equator   c tropics of cancer  d south pole  3 What are lines of latitude  a meridians  b parallels  c lines d all of the above  4 What are lines of longitude  a meridians  b parallels  c lines  d all of the above  5 What ways do latitude lines run a north and south  b east and west  c east and north d south and west  6 what do you do on day light saving  a move the clocks for fun  b move clocks back a hour c change the time for fun d move the clocks up a hour  7 When are the lines of longitude farthest apart  a at the equator  b whenever they want  c at the poles    ...